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  • Writer's pictureIndia Mae

7 Mistakes People Make When Moving To Spain

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

Are you dreaming of the life of tapas, sangria, beaches and siesta. We do not blame you, living in Spain definitely offers a different lifestyle and an alternative way of living. Spain offers a more relaxed lifestyle that not only focuses on your work but also on yourself and making the most of what life has to offer.

Beach Sunset Marbella
Sun setting over Marbella

It is often found that people get wrapped up in the dream of moving abroad but forget these 7 simple mistakes:

  1. Learning The Language: Yes most places in Spain do speak Spanish especially in the most touristic and expat areas such as Costa Blanca, Costa Del Sol, Barcelona, Madrid etc. Even, in english speaking areas, integrating yourself within the local community, and embracing the Spanish culture and lifestyle is what will make your experience and life abroad memorable. It also gives you the opportunity to accomplish something and set a goal that you can be proud of and will always be an asset to your life in the future.

  2. Research The Area: Leaving your home, the place you know well and turning up to the unknown can be daunting but also exciting. There is nothing better turning up in a new place and learning about the area, the culture, and the different places there are to discover. There is also a bit of research that you can do before you arrive

  3. Cost of Living: No, living in Spain does not mean it is cheap, some areas are of course more affordable than others but this will depend on where, how and what you want your life to be like. If we focus specifically on Andalucia, the life is lot more expensive in some areas such as Marbella as it is mostly aimed to tourists and expats. Other areas inland such as Antequera you will find general life is cheaper. Make sure you do your research and put together a financial plan before you move.

  4. Assume there is Work: We often see online people assume that because it is a popular place to move too or there is a high concentration of expats in that area it means it is a great place for work. This is not the case. Work in Spain, especially if you do not speak the language is not always easy to find. A lot of the work are self employed bases which would be mean you would need to think about these costs before you move.

  5. Do Not Integrate: Remember that unless you try and make friends, expand your network or even take part in activities like you would back home it will be hard to make your new country your home. Integrating as part of the society will help you to build relationships but also a bond with the place you live in and make your move abroad a lot easier.

  6. Compare To Back Home: This is something we have done, and I am sure many others will tell you also, do not always compare to back home. You are moving for a reasons, and there will always be pros and cons to your new home but do not try and compare the two. Spain is way less advanced when it comes to some areas, such as administration, customer service or even simple things such as buying opportunities.

  7. Not Asking For Help: It is ok to move to a new country and not know what you are doing. Asking for help is acceptable and this day and age you have so many ways to do it. That could mean you reach out to people already living in the country via social media, or you research specialists online who can help. We encourage people to ask or seek advice before or even after having moved to a new country so you can enjoy your new life abroad.

Sunset, Costa del Sol, Views
Mijas Pueblo Sunset View Over the Costa Del Sol

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